Managing your account

Learn about the features TIMETRI offers your Organization

As soon as you create a TIMETRI Organization Account, you can begin to create User Accounts. Your Organization Account will manage timesheets, users, clients, sites, and billing.

Creating and managing users

Manage user profile and timesheets

The User is an entity within TIMETRI. Create a User for every employee in your Organization. After creating a User, your employees will be able to sign-in and complete activating their User account.

You can create and manage Users in the TIMETRI Dashboard. When creating a new User, you can set basic information such as Name, Phone Number, and Status.

On the Users page you can also:

  • View all Users
  • Edit a User
  • Delete a User

User roles

Each User has a specified Role that determines what their account has access to within TIMETRI.

Users may be assigned any of the following Roles:

  • orgOwner
  • admin
  • reporter
  • user

An orgOwner is a special Role assigned by TIMETRI to the User account that created the Organization with TIMETRI. This role can not be assigned or transferred to any other User within the Organization.

The Admin Role grants Users the ability to sign into the TIMETRI dashboard and have full access to all data and settings within the Organization.

The Reporter Role grants Users the ability to sign into the TIMETRI dashboard and view all Activities, Incidents, and Reports. The User can create and run Reports, as well as share them with Clients. This Role is suited for supervisors.

The User Role grants Users the ability to sign into the TIMETRI mobile app.

Creating and managing clients

Manage client profile and sites

The Client is an entity within TIMETRI. Create a Client for every client your Organization renders services to. After creating a Client, you’ll be able to create and configure Sites associated with your Client.

You can create and manage Clients in the TIMETRI Dashboard. When creating a new Client, you can set basic information such as Business Name, Contact Name, Address, Email, and Description.

On the Clients page you can also:

  • View all Clients
  • Edit a Client
  • Delete a Client

Creating and managing sites

Manage site profile and timesheets

The Site is an sub-entity within TIMETRI. Create a Site for every site/location your Organization services for each Client you have.

You can create and manage Sites under Clients page. When creating a new Site, you can set basic information such as Name and Address.

On the Sites page you can also:

  • View all Sites
  • Edit a Site
  • Delete a Site


View and create reports based on submitted User data

Users are able to submit Activities when they are clocked in on the Timeclock. These Activities must be configured in Settings, under the Activity section.

Default fields for submitting Activities:

  • Activity (required)
  • Checkpoint (internal)
  • Date/Time (required)
  • Notes
  • Requires attention
  • Attach image


View reports based on submitted User data

Users are able to submit Incidents when they are clocked in on the Timeclock.

Default fields for submitting Incidents:

  • Type (required)
  • Description (required)
  • Location (required)
  • DateTime (required)
  • Hazards present (required)
  • Client notified (required)
  • Authorities notified (required)
  • Responder department
  • Responder time of arrival
  • Responder badge number
  • Responder report number
  • Suspects
  • Witnesses


View created & shared reports

Admins and Reporters are able to create Reports based on submitted User Activities.


Manage organization business settings

This section allows Users with Admin Roles to configure their organizational settings.

Settings are grouped into two top-level categories:

  • Your Organization
  • General
  • Account
  • Timesheets
  • Digital IDs
  • Activity
  • Incident
  • Checklists
  • Billing and Payments
  • Settings
  • History
  • Payment Methods


Set time format, whether TIMETRI uses standard or military time.


Manage owner name, address, email, and phone number associated with this Organization.


Set the first day of the workweek, how often you want timesheets submitted, maximum shift duration, and legal wording that is found when Users submit their timesheets.

Digital IDs

Manage your organizational ID settings, such as setting the Agency License for your Organization.


Manage your organizational activity settings.

Configure whether you want TIMETRI to create an Activity for Clock In/Clock Out actions taken by Users. These are automatically created by the platform, labeled as a System Activity Type on this page.

Default Activity inputs are found here.

Activity Types are created by defining these fields:

  • Name (required)
  • Vehicle Input (optional)
  • Custom Inputs (optional)
  • Defined Images (optional)

A name is used to define what the Activity is referred to as for the User.

If Vehicle Input Template is enabled, Users will be able to quickly add vehicle descriptions to their Activity. This option creates predefined fields in the app to add a vehicle [make, model, color] and associated tag [number, expiration date, state].

TIMETRI provides formatted Vehicle Make & Model selection, removing the need for manual User entry. Colors are predefined into what TIMETRI believes can be universally perceived by people.

Users can enter the Vehicle Tag Number. TIMETRI formats the expiration date as month/year, as well as provides a predefined list of all 50 states to select from.

If Vehicle Required is enabled, TIMETRI will require Users to add Vehicle description before submitting the Activity.

Define Fields creates text entry fields in the mobile apps for Users to fill out when completing the Activity. Define Fields can be set to required, otherwise they will be optional.

Define Images creates image fields, allowing you to specify what type of image a User is to upload. Define Images can be set to required, otherwise they will be optional.

Incident Types

Manage your organizational incident settings.

You may create names for each Incident you believe Users will encounter while clocked in. Incident Types is predefined by TIMETRI. You can see all predefined fields here.

Plans and billing

Manage account plan and billing status

Billing is determined on your selected TIMETRI Subscription Plan. Your monthly billing amount is based on active Users within each subscription billing cycle.

A subscription’s billing date is determined by when the subscription was created. If a trial period is used, then the billing date starts at the date the trial ends.

If a month does not have billing date matching when it was created, the subscription will be billed on the last day of the month.

TIMETRI mobile app

User signin and timesheet submission on iOS and Android devices

A subscription’s billing date is determined by when the subscription was created. If a trial period is used, then the billing date starts at the date the trial ends.


Created by Users, submitted to and reviewed by the Organization

Users can create Timesheets through TIMETRI mobile app.

Creating a new timesheet

Users create a new Timesheet by selecting a workweek period. A workweek is a 7 day period established by the Organization under the Organizations Account preferences. It can start on any day of the week.

Timesheets be saved and completed at a later time. Only one instance of the workweek period can exist and be saved for later submission. Once a timesheet is submitted, that workweek period will no longer be selectable for the User to resubmit.

Creating a new entry

Each timesheet entry consists of the following:

  • Client
  • Site
  • Date & Time clock-in
  • Date & Time clock-out

The Clients and Sites are determined by the Organization and can not be edited by the User.

Selecting date and time is sterilized for the User, where the User can not select a clock-out date/time that is earlier than the clock-in date/time. The total hours for a timesheet entry can not exceed more than 24 hours.

Submitting timesheets

Timesheets are intended to be submitted once during a workweek, towards the end of the workweek.

Each timesheet submission consists of the following:

  • Entry or multiple entries
  • Legal Agreement
  • Signature

Users are to read and acknowledge the legal agreement defined by the Organization prior to submitting their Timesheet.

Users are to provide a signature when submitting their Timesheet.

Collecting signatures

Signatures are collected upon every timesheet submission. Users provide their signature to verify that their timesheet submission is accurate.

The Electronic Signature & Records Association (ESRA) defines eSignatures (also known as electronic signatures) as such:

“an electronic sound, symbol or process that is attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.”

TIMETRI verifies the authenticity of the Users Timesheet submission based on the following:

  • Identity (using varying digital ‘fingerprints’)
  • Intention and actions to sign
  • Association of signature with timesheet submission

Digital ID

Assigned by Organizational Admins, confirmed and received by Users

Admins can choose which Users will be assigned a Digital ID.

What is a Digital ID

Digital IDs behave the same way physical card IDs work. They are created, signed for by both parties, verified publically through TIMETRI, may be revoked at any time, and expire without renewals. A digital ID must be revoked and a new one assigned to update the card.

Assigning a Digital ID

Admins can begin the Digital ID assignment when viewing a Users profile. Digital IDs can have an employee image, which can be added from the Dashboard or left empty to be added by the User.

The Organization must have an Organizational License added in their settings, such as an agency license.

Creating a new User account requires a license number and the license numbers expiration date. This can be updated at any given moment, but an existing Digital ID must be revoked and assigned again if you want to see those changes on the Digital ID.

Revoking a Digital ID

Admins can revoke a Users Digital ID from the Dashboard while viewing a Users profile. Revoking the Digital ID instantly removes it from the Users mobile app.

Verifying a Digital ID

Digital IDs can be verified two ways. The first is scanning the QR code on the Digital ID screen found on the Users app, which opens up TIMETRIs online ID verification tool. The second is to visit and enter the unique code associated with the Users Digital ID.

The online ID verification tool returns the following results:

  • ID Validation (yes or not)
  • Organization the ID belongs to
Making it easy to manage timesheets for security organizations.
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